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one step towards startup

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Rs 5000 – 5,00,000 is given for any type of startup.

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Firefly Free improve is an Indian company which gives Rs 50,000 – 5,00,000 for free startup in order (2)
Firefly Free improve is an Indian company which gives Rs 50,000 – 5,00,000 for free startup in order (1)

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Want to do Startup, and are not able to do Startup due to fear of losing startup money. So to remove this fear “free improve” has come which gives Rs 5,000-5,00,000 for startup. If the startup is unsuccessful, the money will not be taken back. And if the startup is successful, you will have to return the money at the rate of 1%. This money is given for 5-25 months.

Startup करना चाहते है,और Startup पैसा खोने के डर से Startup नहीं कर पा रहे है| तो इस डर को दूर करने आया है “free improve” जो Startup करने के लिए 5,000 -5,00,000 रू देते है | Startup unsuccessful हो तो पैसा वापस नहीं लिया जाएगा |और startup successful हो तो आपसे 1% कि दर से , जोरकर पैसा लौटाना होता है | यह पैसा 5-25 महीने के लिए दिया जाता है |


When you send your idea to the Free Improve team, our team reads, understands, converts that idea into digital and audio. Critical attention is given to “Introduction, Strategy, Opportunity, Golden statement, Market segmentation, Total addressable market, Startup business model, product pricing, Sales strategy or Sales process” located in your idea. Then that idea is sent to the investor. And any investor who wants to invest in your idea, then as per your requirement, money is sent to your bank account through Free Improvement.

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जब अपने idea को Free improve team को send करते है तो हमारा टीम उस idea को पढ़ता, समझता, Degitalis और audio में बदल देता है | आपके idea में स्थित “Introduction, Strategy, Opportunity, Golden statement, Market segmentation, Total addressable market, Startup business modal, product pricing, Sales strategy or Sales process” पर गंभीर रूप से ध्यान दिया जाता है | फिर उस idea को investor के पास send कर देते है | और आपके idea में जो भी investor invest करना चाहते है तो आप के आवश्यकता के अनुसार आपके बैंक अकाउंट में, Free improve के द्वारा पैसा send कर दिया जाता है |

Investors and customers have increased in the last 10 days

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Rakesh Giri

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Gautam Shah


Manikant jha

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Ravindra Raddy


Teja Raddy


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Gauri Kumari

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Mira Chaudhary

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Gautam jha

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Shodha Yadav

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Kajal Devi

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