These are those investors who invest on copy ideas. Whose strategy is different from others.
ये वो investor है जो copy idea पर invest करते है | जिसका strategy दुसरे से अलग होता है |
We have more than 111+ investors here who read, understand and invest 1-2 ideas every day. With this, many more investors are joining us. Who are always ready to invest.
हमारे यहाँ 111+ से अधिक investor है जो प्रत्येक दिन प्रत्येक investor 1-2 idea को पढते , समझते ओर invest करते है | इसके साथ हमारे साथ काफी अधिक investor जुरते जा रहे है | जो invest करने के लिए हमेसा तत्पर रहते है